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Void Cats is a modern dance club located in the verdant Lavender Beds outside of Gridania on Couerl Crystal DC. Come and enjoy an evening in a Shirogane themed location that features drinks, male and female dancers/courtesans, DJ, live bard bands, and a VIP section.The Void Cats venue is an LGBTQ+ positive location and judgement free zone.
Rules are a bit of a buzzkill but they are necessary.
The only thing Void Cats is intolerant of is intolerance. Any discrimination in regards to sex, race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation is not allowed.
Please do NOT harass staff or any patron of Void Cats. No means no and no one is entitled to an explanation for no. If you are a target of harassment please speak with a manager. If a patron is found to be harassing others they will be marked and all staff told to stop interacting with the player.
ERP services are provided to players and characters that are over 18.
Consent is key. Consent must be requested and given before any ERP services are provided. Consent can be revoked by either party at any time. If a customer revokes consent after hiring a dancer/courtesan they will be refunded their fee after an investigation.
Please hide all weapons and dismiss minions before entering the venue.
Lalas are welcome to come and enjoy the vibe and RP opportunities at Void Cats, however ERP services will not be officially provided by staff and management.
This is the golden rule. Behind every Avatar is a human driver. Please remember that and treat everyone in the venue with respect.
Please do not do anything to make management add to this list.